November 15-20, 2015
Georgia Public Safety Training Center
Smoke Daddy David Rhodes said “The third Georgia Smoke Diver Leadership Academy included company and chief officer level development with courses such as time management, conflict resolution, the application of fire research, managing VES, decision making, and using Google Docs, just to name a few. Along with daily adaptive scenario-based physical training, this made for a remarkable week. Congratulation to the 68 graduates and a special thank you to our Elders, Lead Instructors and guest instructors for their selfless dedication and constant professionalism.”
The 2015 Leadership Academy was dedicated to Gary Baggett #283.
There were 68 graduates of the Leadership Academy this year.
Smoke Daddy David Rhodes kicks things off.
Ret. Chief Bobby Halton was the Keynote Speaker (with Judy Glick-Smith).
Chief Elder Brent Hullender conducts New Instructor Orientation and History.
Elder Phil Chovan teaches Orientation and Team Communications.
1st time Leadership Academy attendees went through Axioms of Leadership with Smoke Diver Mike Baxter.
Day 2 PT - 1 mile wounded man off-road carry. Fastest group was 12:24, slowest was 14:06. Training is never over!
Elder Merv McDonald teaches Company Officer Time Management.
Elder Joel Yoder teaching the Use of Computer Simulations in Company Training.
Day 4 PT - 38 Smoke Divers with 16 SCBA manage air while moving a 15 ton fire truck 1.5 miles by hand.
Master Sgt. (Ret.) Mike "Waldo" Reynolds speaking about TOXIC Leadership.
Chief Elders David Rhodes and Brent Hullender.